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Psychology of Sudoku Players and Poker Players

Sudoku puzzles and poker card games are now extremely popular around the globe. Both are played by millions of fans in various situations, from solo games to professional high paying events involving vast sums, especially in the case of poker. But these 2 popular games attract different types of players; to delve deeper into these differences, let's take a look the games themselves.


The goal in Sudoku is to find the missing numbers in a 9X9 grid divided in mini 3X3 grids, depending on the level of difficulty chosen by the player. It is therefore a logical deduction game during which the player patiently weaves through, finding missing numbers one by one, and eventually finishing the game with only possible solution. The player plays against the game and/or against time in the case of competitions. Advanced strategies applied to finding missing numbers involve twinning and mirroring, when two identical numbers or two sets of 2 numbers exist simultaneously within a grid axis. In very rare cases (that occur only during highly difficult games,) the player will be forced into guessing between 2 options; this is the only case of randomness found in Sudoku, which the player must go through in order to pursue the game.

Sudoku persona

Logic and patience are the 2 key words in Sudoku. As it is a purely cerebral game, Sudokus will appeal to scientific minds who appreciate long draw out sessions and players interested in solving structural issues such as engineers or even amateur crime solvers; after all, the modern version of the game is said to have been developed by an American architect. It will also appeal to individuals who like order, as it is as precise as a game can be, like all puzzles are, having only one possible outcome. Good Sudoku players are focused, patient, highly logical and possess a strong spatial intelligence.


Poker in its various forms has several elements which sets it apart. Initially, there's a strong randomness to the game. Since a player plays against opponents who all share the same deck of cards, all players get different cards, the purpose being to get the strongest hand possible among a series of hands which form a hierarchy (ex: Straight Flush, Four of Kind, etc.) The game therefore has an important 'luck' factor, which can be counter balanced and/or enhanced by a player's ability to mislead his or her opponents through bluffing, which is one of the 3 main strategies in poker. The other two are Pot Odds and Player Position. In light of these variables, poker has a large 'human' factor to it that makes the game so interesting, less rigid and much broader in outcome. Some players liken it to real life, where facts can be interpreted in different ways and one's luck can change on a whim. It's hugely fluid game that requires both skill and luck, and offers a vast number of end possibilities. The strategy of poker is completely different to pokies, another popular form of gambling. Pokies however require little skill or strategy as it's simply sinning a slot machine wheel and hoping to hit a jackpot. For sites that compare pokies check out Pokies Palace.

Poker persona

Poker will appeal to more adventurous and intuitive souls who enjoy stratagems, group dynamics and rapid results. Good poker players tend to be emotionally stable, focused and calm. They possess strong analytical abilities as well as a strong desire to make money gains, as betting is the key characteristic of poker. One can easily imagine poker players as being free thinkers possessing strong interpersonal skills where even the quiet ones can reveal themselves to be great masters.

Color Sudoku Puzzle

Welcome to our colour Sudoku.

Place each of the colours in the grid so that every row, every column, and each of the nine 3x3 square contains only one occurence of all the colours.

You should be able to solve any puzzle here without writing anything down, and they all have only one solution. If you feel you can't go, you can click the 'give me a hint' button, and any errors you have made will be highlighted in red, or if you've made no mistakes, a green square around the piece will show where you can go next. If you try to place a number where it already exists on that row, column, or small square, both occurences will be highlighted in red.

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